Augustine of Canterbury Timeline d. 604

Saint Augustine

Father – Unknown
Mother – Unknown
Spouse – Unmarried
Children – None
Archbishop of Canterbury – 597 – 604
Successor – Laurence of Canterbury – 604 – 619


595 (before)
There are no recorded details of the life of Augustine before 595. It is believed that he was a monk living in the Abbey of St Andrew’s in Rome.
595 (during)
Pope Gregory chose Augustine to lead a mission to Britain. Pope Gregory was aware that Bertha, the wife of the pagan King Aethelberht of Kent was a practising Christian and directed Augustine to land in Kent and convert him.
597 (during)
Augustine, accompanied by about 40 monks, landed on the Isle of Thanet in Kent.
597 (June)
King Aethelberht of Kent converted to Christianity on Whitsun-day.
598 (around)
Aethelberht founded the abbey of St Peter and Paul (later renamed St Augustine’s) in Canterbury and donated the Royal palace in Canterbury for the use of the Augustine who became Archbishop of Canterbury.
601 (during)
Pope Gregory sent more missionaries to England to help convert more of the population.
604 (during)
Augustine consecrated Mellitius as Bishop of London and Justus as Bishop of Rochester.
604 (during)
The Abbey of St Peter and Paul in Canterbury was consecrated.
604 (during)
Augustine consecrated Laurence as his successor.
604 (26th May)
Augustine died in Canterbury. He was buried in the new Abbey and was later made a saint.


Published May 20, 2020 @ 1:28 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020). Augustine of Canterbury d. 604. Last accessed [date]

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