English History Timeline 1460-1469

King Henry VI King Edward IV

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in English history for the years 1460 – 1469

The monarchs for this period were Henry VI to 1461
Edward IV from 1461


1460 (15th January)
The French made a raid on Sandwich and captured the Royal fleet.
1460 (26th June)
Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick and Edward, Earl of March landed at Sandwich at the head of an army and marched towards London.
1460 (10th July)
Battle of Northampton
Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick and Edward, Earl of March defeated a Lancastrian force led by Humphrey, Stafford and Buckingham and captured Henry VI. Margaret of Anjou and Prince Edward fled to Harlech Castle.
1460 (19th July)
Richard of York claimed the throne but the landowners refused to accept him as anything other than heir to the throne.
1460 (25th October)
Act of Accord
Richard Duke of York was named successor to the throne over Henry VI’s son, Edward.
1460 (30th December)
Battle of Wakefield
Queen Margaret, unwilling to accept the disinheritance of her son Edward, raised an army in the north. Richard of York was forced to march north where he was defeated and killed by the Lancastrian force.
1460 (31st December)
King Henry VI was released from captivity but was still mentally unstable and as a consequence was unfit to rule.
1461 (January)
Warwick, known as the Kingmaker due to his meddling in matters of the succession, put forward Richard of York’s son, Edward, Earl of March as claimant to the throne.
1461 (2nd February)
Battle of Mortimer’s Cross
The Earls of Pembroke and Wiltshire led an army of Welsh Lancastrians and French mercenaries to join Margaret of Anjou’s advance on London but they were intercepted by a Yorkist army led by Edward Earl of March and defeated.
1461 (17th February)
Second Battle of St Albans
Warwick attempted to block Margaret of Anjou’s southward advance on London but his defensive position was surprised. After a long and bloody battle the Yorkists fled. Henry VI was recaptured but the Lancastrians failed to secure London and returned north.
1461 (4th March)
Henry was deposed by Edward Duke of York who took the throne as Edward IV.
1461 (29th March)
Battle of Towton
Edward IV pursued the Lancastrians north and attacked them near Tadcaster. After a long fight in heavy snowfall, the Lanastrians were defeated having suffered heavy casualties.
1461 (April)
Following the Lancastrian defeat at the Battle of Towton, Margaret and Prince Edward fled to Scotland where they were given refuge. Henry was imprisoned in the Tower of London.
1461 (28th June)
Edward IV was crowned King at Westminster Abbey.
1462 (April)
Queen Margaret and Prince Edward left Scotland and sailed to France.
1462 (28th June)
Queen Margaret offered Calais to the French in return for military support.
1464 (25th April)
Battle of Hedgeley Moor
The Yorkists defeated the Lancastrians. Ralph Percy, was killed.
1464 (1st May)
King Edward secretly married Elizabeth Woodville, daughter of Richard Woodville, Baron Rivers and Jacquetta of Luxembourg. The marriage was not popular and angered Warwick who had wanted the King to make a diplomatic marriage.
1464 (15th May)
Battle of Hexham
Richard Neville defeated the Lancastrian army.
1464 (11th June)
A fifteen year truce was agreed with Scotland.
1465 (26th May)
Elizabeth Woodville was crowned Queen consort at Westminster Abbey.
1465 (24th July)
Henry VI was captured by Yorkist forces and taken to the Tower of London.
1467 (June)
George Neville was dismissed as Chancellor.
1468 (3rd July)
King Edward’s sister, Margaret of York, married Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy.
1468 (29th July)
Hansa merchants were expelled from London sparking war between England and the Hanseatic League.
1469 (during)
Warwick, frustrated by his lack of power over Edward, turned his attention to Edward’s younger brother, George, Duke of Clarence who he possibly intended to make King in Edward’s stead.
1469 (June)
Robin of Redesdale led a Lancastrian revolt against the rule of Edward IV.
1469 (12th July)
Richard Neville joined forces with Robin of Redesdale.
1469 (26th July)
Battle of Edgecote Moor
Warwick raised an army of northern rebels led by Sir John Conyers, Edward’s cousin. They defeated a force of Welsh loyalists led by William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke.
1469 (29th July)
Warwick captured King Edward IV. With Edward in captivity he married his daughter to George Duke of Clarence. Warwick then attempted to rule in Edward’s name but he was not supported by the nobility.
1469 (10th September)
Failing to gain the support of the nobility Warwick was forced to release King Edward.
1469 (October)
Edward tried to find a peaceful solution rather than retaliate against Warwick.


Published Jun 11, 2017 @ 3:14 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2020). English History 1460 – 1469. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/english-history-1460-1469. Last accessed [date]

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