Set in the fifth and sixth centuries, the Pendragon Cycle is an endeavour to ground the Arthurian legends within history while giving the tale an air of realism that readers can relate to.
The Cycle was originally “The Pendragon Trilogy”, but after Arthur’s rather abrupt ending, and the existence of many unexplored stories and plotlines, Lawhead decided to expand on his trilogy by writing additional books.
In this article, we’ll go through Stephen R. Lawhead’s The Pendragon Cycle books in order of publication. Which is your favourite? Let us know in the comments below.
First Published – 1987
Type – Fiction
Genre-Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Mythology
Author:Stephen R. Lawhead
Synopsis: It was a time of legend, when the last shadows of the mighty Roman conqueror faded from the captured Isle of Britain. While across a vast sea, bloody war shattered a peace that had flourished for two thousand years in the doomed kingdom of Atlantis.
Taliesin is the remarkable adventure of Charis, the Atlantean princess who escaped the terrible devastation of her homeland, and of the fabled seer and druid prince Taliesin, singer at the dawn of the age. It is the story of an incomparable love that joined two worlds amid the fires of chaos, and spawned the miracles of Merlin…and Arthur the king.
First Published – 1987
Type – Fiction
Genre-Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Mythology
Author:Stephen R. Lawhead
Synopsis: An enchanting tale of love and loss, glory and grandeur, set in the twilight of Rome’s power, where the Celtic chieftains of Britain battle to save their land from an onrushing darkness…
In this modern classic, Stephen Lawhead presents a majestic retelling of Western literature’s most compelling epic. Merlin. His golden eyes saw the shape of a world yet to be. His wisdom would light the path of the coming King. Born of a union between druid and faery, he was trained as a bard and schooled in the ways of battle. But his heart and calling were greater than a warrior’s.
Son of the great Taliesin, the song of his father coursed through his soul. Yet his life and mission were to be his own. And though sovereignty was his, he would lay it aside to serve a king of his own choosing.
As his powers transcended those of mortal men, so, too, would his trials, his griefs and the dark might of his most fearsome enemy.
First Published – 1989
Type – Fiction
Genre-Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Mythology
Author:Stephen R. Lawhead
Synopsis: In a forgotten age of darkness, a magnificent king arose to light the world.
They called him unfit to rule—a lowborn, callow boy, Uther’s bastard. But his coming had been foretold in the songs of the bard Taliesin. He had learned the uses of power from his guide and protector, Merlin.
He was Arthur, Pendragon of the Island of the Mighty—who would rise to legendary greatness in a Britain torn by violence, greed and war; the Lord of Summer who would usher in a glorious reign of peace and prosperity… and whose noble, trusting heart would be broken by treachery.
First Published – 1994
Type – Fiction
Genre-Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Mythology
Author:Stephen R. Lawhead
Synopsis: Arthur is King—but treachery runs rampant throughout the beleaguered Isle of the Mighty. Darkest evil descends upon Britain’s shores in many guises. Fragile alliances fray and tear, threatening all the noble liege has won with his wisdom and his blood.
His most trusted counselor—the warrior, bard and kingmaker whom legend will name Merlin—is himself to be tested on a mystical journey back through his own extraordinary past.
So in a black time of plague and pestilence, it is Arthur who must stand alone against a great and terrible adversary. For only this way can he truly win immortality—and the name to treasure above all others.
First Published – 1997
Type – Fiction
Genre-Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Mythology
Author:Stephen R. Lawhead
Synopsis: A great king faces the ultimate a dangerous quest through realms of magic and the undead toward a confrontation with his destiny Drought, plague, and war have left the Isle of the Mighty battered and its heart, the beloved Arthur, grievously injured—until a secret relic is brought before the dying King; a Holy Grail that heals his wounds and restores his vigor.
But soon evil enters the royal court in the guise of a beautiful maiden; a soulless, malevolent force capable of seducing the King’s loyal champion, confounding the sage whom some call Merlin, and carrying the sacred Grail—and Arthur’s adored Queen—off into the dark unknown.
So there we have it! The Pendragon Cycle Books series in order of publication. Have you read any? Which are your favourites? Let us know in the comments below!