Wars Fought on the Indian Subcontinent Timeline 1221-Present Day

Wars fought on the Indian subcontinent

This timeline details the main wars that have taken place on the Indian Subcontinent


Spring 1221 to 1320
Mongol Invasion of India (Part of the Mongol Conquests)
Fought between: Mongol Empire and Genghis Khan against Punjab, Sindh, Kerman, Kashmir, Delhi Sultanate, Khwarazmian dynasty
Location: India
Result: Mongols gained some territory in India.
July 1746 to 24th April 1748
First Carnatic War (Part of the War of Austrian Succession)
Fought between: Great Britain against France, Mughal Empire
Location: South India
Result: Mughal victory
Summer 1748 to 1754
Second Carnatic War
Fought between: Great Britain against Mughal Empire
Location: South India
Result: Mughal victory
7th December 1758 to 10th February 1763
Third Carnatic War (Became Part of the Seven Years War)
Fought between: Great Britain against France, Mughal Empire
Location: south India
Result: British victory
18th December 1845 to 9th March 1846
First Anglo-Sikh War
Fought between: British Empire against Sikh Empire
Location: Mudki, India
Result: British victory, Kashmir annexed by East India Company
June 1848 to 11th March 1849
Second Anglo-Sikh War
Fought between: Britain (East India Company) against Sikh Empire
Location: Punjab region of India
Result: East India Company victory, Punjab region annexed by East India Company
5th April 1852 to 20th December 1852
Second Anglo-Burmese War
Fought between: Britain (East India Company) against Burma
Location: Burma (Myanmar)
Result: East India Company victory
1965, 15th August to 1965, 30th September
Indo-Pakistani War
Fought between: India against Pakistan
Location: India/Pakistan border
Result: Stalemate
1971, 3rd December to 1971, 16th December
Indo-Pakistani War
Fought between: India against Pakistan
Location: India/Pakistan east and western borders
Result: Indian victory, east Pakistan became Bangladesh
 2004, 16th March, ongoing
War in North West Pakistan (Part of the War Against Terror)
Fought between: USA, Pakistan against Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIL
Location: North West Pakistan


First published 2015; updated Jan 29 2022 @ 3:02 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2015 – 2022). Wars Fought on the Indian Subcontinent 1221 to Present Day.


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