Aethelhelm of Wessex Timeline b 868

Likeness UnknownFather – Aethelred I (840 – 871)
Mother – Wulfthryth (b. 840)
Spouse – Unmarried
Children – No children


868 (around)
Aethelhelm of Wessex, was born to King Aethelred I of Wessex and his wife Wulfthryth.
869 (around)
Athelhelm’s brother, Aethelwold, was born to Aethelred and Wulfthryth.
871 (22nd March)
Battle of Merton
Aethelhelm’s father, King Aethelred I was badly injured in this battle against the Vikings.
871 (23rd April)
King Aethelred, died from injuries sustained in the Battle of Merton. Although Aethelhelm was the eldest son of Aethelred, he was thought too young to succeed his father and so Aethelred’s younger brother, Alfred, became King.
880s (during)
Aethelhelm was mentioned as a beneficiary in a will drawn up by King Alfred.
899 (before)
Aethelhelm is thought to have died by this date since it was his younger brother, Aethelwold, that contested the succession of Alfred’s son Edward in 899.


Published Feb 1, 2018 @ 12:20 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2018 – 2020). Aethelhelm of Wessex b. 868. Available: http://www.thetimelinegeek Last accessed [date]


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