English History Timeline 1270-1279

Henry III King Edward I

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in English History for the years 1270 – 1279

The monarchs for this period were:

Henry III to 1272
Edward I from 1272


1270 (April)
A tax on property was levied to finance King Henry’s son, Prince Edward, joining the ninth crusade.
1270 (18th July)
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Boniface of Savoy, died.
1270 (20th August)
Prince Edward and his wife, Eleanor of Castile, left England to join the eighth crusade.
1270 (9th September)
William Chillenden was elected Archbishop of Canterbury.
1271 (during)
King Henry, whose health was deteriorating, sent a message to ask Prince Edward and his wife, Eleanor of Castile, to leave the crusade and return to England.
1271 (during)
A daughter, Katherine, was born to Edward and Eleanor of Castile at Acre Palestine. She died after a few months.
1271 (3rd August)
Prince Edward’s son, John, died at the Palace of Westminster.
1272 (Spring)
A daughter, Joan, was born to Prince Edward and Eleanor of Castile at Acre, Palestine.
1272 (Summer)
The Pope overturned the appointment of William Chillenden as Archbishop of Canterbury.
1272 (24th September)
Prince Edward, his wife and daughter left Acre and began the journey back to England.
1272 (11th October)
Robert Kilwardby was made Archbishop of Canterbury.
1272 (16th November)
King Henry III died. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. His eldest son, Edward succeeded him as King Edward I.
1273 (during)
King Edward I paid homage to Philip III of France.
1273 (24th November)
A son, Alfonso, was born to Edward and Eleanor of Castile in Gascony.
1274 (2nd August)
King Edward arrived back in England. He appointed Robert Burnell, who had governed the country in his absence, as his chief minister.
1274 (19th August)
Edward was crowned King and his wife Eleanor was crowned Queen consort at Westminster Abbey.
1274 (October)
Edward and Robert Burnell began making legal reforms to end the long standing grievances of the barons and re-establish the rights of the crown.
1274 (14th October)
Edward’s son, Henry, died.
1275 (during)
Llywellyn ap Gruffydd of Wales refused to pay homage to King Edward I. In retaliation Edward seized Simon de Montfort’s daughter, Eleanor, who had been on her way to marry Llywellyn.
1275 (during)
A law was passed forbidding Jews from charging interest on loans.
1275 (23rd January)
Robert Burnell was appointed Bishop of Bath and Wells.
1275 (26th February)
Edward’s sister, Margaret, wife of Alexander III of Scotland, died.
1275 (22nd April)
Parliament met for the first time during Edward’s reign. The Statute of Westminster, which codified English law, was passed.
1275 (May)
King Edward introduced a tax on wool and leather.
1275 (11th September)
A daughter, Margaret, was born to Edward and Eleanor of Castile at Windsor Castle.
1276 (during)
A daughter, Berengaria, was born to Edward and Eleanor of Castile. She died before her third birthday
1276 (November)
War broke out between Edward and Llywellyn ap Gruffydd when Edward invaded Wales. Llewellyn’s forces had no choice but to retreat to the mountains of Snowdonia. Edward then took the island of Angelsey cutting off Llywelyn’s supply of food and forcing him to submit to Edward.
1277 (9th November)
Treaty of Aberconwy
This treaty determined that Llywelyn ap Gruffydd would retain control of Gwynedd if he paid homage to Edward and Edward would rule the rest of Wales.
1278 (Spring)
A daughter, Mary, was born to King Edward and Eleanor of Castile.
1278 (June)
Robert Burnell was elected Archbishop of Canterbury.
1278 (13th October)
Edward gave permission for Eleanor de Montfort, daughter of rebel Simon de Montfort, to marry Llywelyn ap Gruffudd.
1278 (17th November)
A number of Jews in England were imprisoned on a charge of coin clipping (clipping small amounts of metal off coins of the realm which was then sold).
1279 (during)
As agreed by the Treaty of Paris 1259, the Agenais region of France was handed back to the English. The Agenais was an important wine producing area and helped to establish trading links between London and Bordeaux where wine was exported to London and cloth was exported to Bordeaux.
1279 (January)
The Pope overturned that appointment of Robert Burnell as Archbishop of Canterbury.
1279 (25th January)
John Peckham was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury.
1279 (12th March)
A daughter, Isabella, was born to Edward and Eleanor of Castile. She died before the end of the year.
1279 (December)
New coins were introduced – the groat, a round farthing and a silver halfpenny.


Published Sept 12, 2016 @ 6:34 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2020). English History 1270 – 1279. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/english-history-1270-1279. Last accessed [date]


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