Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland Timeline 1502-1537

Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland

Born – c1502
Died – 29th June 1537
Father – Henry Percy, 5th Earl of Northumberland (1477 – 1527)
Mother – Catherine Spencer
Spouse –  m. 1524 – Mary Talbot (c 1510 – 1572)
Children – None


1502 (around)
Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland, was born to Henry Algernon Percy, 5th Earl of Northumberland and Catherine Spencer in Nottingham. He was the couple’s second child, his sister, Margaret had been born around 1500.
1503 (30th June)
Henry Percy’s father was made Warden of the East Marches.
1503 (August)
Percy’s father was chosen to be one of those escorting Margaret Tudor to Scotland for her marriage to King James IV.
1504 (during)
Henry’s brother, Thomas, was born to Henry Algernon Percy and Catherine Spencer.
1506 (during)
Henry’s brother, Ingelram, was born to Henry Algernon Percy and Catherine Spencer.
1509 (21st April)
King Henry VII died. He was succeeded by his son, King Henry VIII.
1513 (30th June)
Percy’s father joined Henry VIII’s invasion of France. Serving as a Grand Captain.
1516 (during)
Henry’s father made an arrangement with George Talbot, 4th Earl of Shrewsbury, for him to marry Mary Talbot. A date for the wedding was not set.
1519 (during)
Henry Percy was knighted by the King.
1522 (around)
Percy was given a place in the household of Thomas Wolsey. He was frequently at court and helped entertain the King when he visited Wolsey’s properties.
1522 (January)
Anne Boleyn returned to England from France because her father was negotiating for her to marry James Butler, Earl of Ormond.
1522 (February)
Anne Boleyn, aged 15 years was given a place in Catherine of Aragon’s household after marriage negotiations for her to marry James Butler broke down.
1522 (during)
Henry Percy and Anne Boleyn began a secret relationship.
1522 (July)
Henry Percy was made a member of the Council in the North.
1522 (October)
Percy was made Deputy Warden of the East Marches.
1523 (Spring)
Henry Percy and Anne Boleyn made an agreement to marry as soon as they were able.
1523 (Autumn)
Thomas Wolsey discovered that Henry Percy had made a secret betrothal to Anne Boleyn. Percy, who was already betrothed to Mary Talbot, was forbidden to see Anne Boleyn and sent back to Northumberland to marry Mary Talbot. Anne was sent home to Hever Castle. She was very angry and swore to seek revenge on Wolsey.
1524 (January)
Henry Percy was forced to marry Lady Mary Talbot. The marriage was an unhappy one from the start.
1527 (19th May)
Henry Percy became 6th Earl of Northumberland after his father died.
1527 (late Spring)
Anne Boleyn had begun a relationship with King Henry VIII. She had accepted Henry’s proposal to marry as soon as he was divorced from Catherine.
1527 (18th June)
Percy was made a steward of Holderness.
1527 (2nd December)
Henry became Lord Warden of the East and West Marches.
1528 (late)
Henry Percy’s marriage to Mary Talbot had irretrievably broken down. Percy was outraged by his father-in-law’s suspicion that he might poison Mary and the couple separated soon afterwards.
1529 (April)
Mary Talbot was delivered of a stillborn child.
1530 (1st November)
Henry Percy was sent a warrant for the arrest of Thomas Wolsey. He was instructed to arrest Wolsey and bring him to London.
1530 (29th November)
Thomas Wolsey had been taken ill on the journey south and he died at 8 am at the Abbey of St Mary in Leicester.
1531 (28th April)
Henry Percy was made a Knight of the Garter.
1532 (26th April)
Henry became a privy councillor.
1532 (11th May)
Percy was made High Sheriff of Northumberland.
1532 (June)
Percy’s wife, Mary Talbot, sought an annulment of their marriage on the grounds that Percy had a pre-contract with Anne Boleyn. Percy was summoned before Henry VIII. He denied the existence of any such pre-contract and the petition for an annulment was thrown out.
1533 (1st June)
Anne Boleyn was crowned Queen consort of England in St Peter’s Abbey, Westminster.
1533 (7th September)
A daughter, Elizabeth, was born to King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She was named after Henry’s mother.
1535 (February)
In poor health, and with no children to follow him, Percy decided to make the King his heir.
1536 (during)
Henry Percy was created Lord President of the Council of the North.
1536 (7th January)
Catherine of Aragon died. It was commonly believed that Anne Boleyn had slowly poisoned her to death. Nowadays it is believed that she died from cancer.
1536 (29th January)
Anne Boleyn miscarried of a son four months into her pregnancy. The child was badly deformed and Henry saw this as clear evidence of God’s displeasure with the marriage. Anne blamed the miscarriage on concern following Henry’s fall and Henry’s interest in Jane Seymour.
1536 (February)
Henry believed that the miscarriage of a son was God’s way of declaring that his marriage to Anne Boleyn was unlawful either because of her earlier pre-contract to James Butler or because of Henry’s affair with Anne’s sister, Mary Boleyn. He decided that he needed to find a way out of his marriage to Anne.
1536 (10th May)
Anne was indicted before a grand jury for treason. She was charged with having committed adultery with Henry Norris, Francis Weston, William Brereton, Mark Smeaton and incest with her brother George Boleyn. It was alleged that George was the father of the deformed baby. Anne was also charged with plotting to murder the King and making fun of him in public.
1536 (15th May)
Henry Percy was one of the 26 peers of the realm who tried the case of Anne Boleyn. Although Anne argued her innocence she was found guilty and sentenced to die by burning or beheading whichever the King chose. George Boleyn was tried by the same court and was also found guilty.
1536 (19th May)
Anne Boleyn was executed by beheading with a single stroke of the sword. She was buried in the choir of the royal chapel of St Peter ad Vincula.
1536 (22nd October)
Pilgrimage of Grace
Robert Aske, leader of this protest against the closure of the monasteries, tried to persuade Henry Percy to join the revolt but Percy refused. However, Percy did write to King Henry stating that his health was poor and that he was unable to lead a force against the rebels. Henry’s brother, Thomas, did join the rebellion.
1537 (2nd June)
Percy’s brother Thomas was found guilty of treason for taking part in the Pilgrimage of Grace and was hung drawn and quartered at Tyburn.
1537 (29th June)
Henry Percy, 6th Duke of Northumberland, died at Newington Green.


Published Mar 10, 2020 @ 2:52 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page::

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020). Henry Percy 6th Earl of Northumberland 1502 – 1537. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/henry-percy-6th-earl-of-northumberland. Last accessed [date]

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