Perkin Warbeck Timeline 1474-1499

Perkin Warbeck Info

Perkin Warbeck TimelineBorn – c.1474
Died – 23rd November 1499 (executed)
Father – Jehan de Werbecque (dates unknown)
Mother – Katherine Farou (dates unknown)
Spouse – Catherine Gordon (c.1474 – 1537)
Children – No children
Known to History – Pretended to be Richard of Shrewsbury, son of King Edward IV and challenged Henry VII’s place on the throne.


Perkin Warbeck Timeline

1473 (17th August)
A son, Richard, was born to King Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville.
1474 (around)
Perkin Warbeck was born to Jehan de Werbecque a French Burgess and his wife Katherine Farou.
1483 (9th April)
King Edward IV died. He was succeeded by his son, twelve year old Edward V. Edward IV’s brother, Richard Duke of Gloucester, was to act as regent.
1483 (26th June)
After proclaiming the marriage of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville to be invalid, Richard, Duke of Gloucester took the throne as King Richard III.
1483 (late Summer)
The two princes in the Tower, Edward and Richard disappeared and were never seen again.
1483 (Autumn)
Henry Tudor’s mother, Margaret Beaufort and Edward IV’s widow, Elizabeth Woodville worked to effect Henry Tudor’s taking the throne. They agreed that Henry would marry Elizabeth’s eldest daughter, Elizabeth of York once he had secured the throne.
1483 (25th December)
Henry Tudor publicly swore an oath in Reims Cathedral stating that once he was King he would marry Elizabeth of York.
1484 (during)
Perkin Warbeck was in Antwerp where he learnt Flemish and worked with cloth merchants.
1485 (7th August)
Henry Tudor landed at Milford Haven and marched inland picking up support along the way.
1485 (22nd August)
Battle of Bosworth Field
This decisive battle between the forces of Henry Tudor and Richard III, saw Richard killed and Henry proclaimed King Henry VII on the battlefield.
1485 (late August)
Henry ordered the arrest of Edward, Earl of Warwick, son of Edward IV’s younger brother George, Duke of Clarence. The 10-year old Edward was placed in the Tower of London to prevent him making a challenge for the Crown.
1485 (30th October)
Henry Tudor was crowned King Henry VII at Westminster Abbey.
1485 (November)
Henry VII’s first parliament repudiated Titulus Regius (1484) legitimising Elizabeth of York and her family.
1486 (18th January)
Henry married Elizabeth of York, eldest daughter of Edward IV, at Westminster Abbey.
1486 (20th September)
A son, Arthur, was born to Henry VII and Elizabeth of York at St Swithun’s Priory in Winchester.
1487 (January)
In England, Lambert Simnel, claimed to be Elizabeth’s cousin, Edward Earl of Warwick. As Henry had the real Earl of Warwick imprisoned in the Tower of London Simnel had little real claim.
1487 (April)
Perkin Warbeck was at the Portuguese Court with trader Sir Edward Brampton and his wife Margaret Beaumont.
1487 (16th June)
Battle of Stoke
King Henry VII fought the forces of Lambert Simnel and the Earl of Lincoln at Stoke. Lincoln was killed and Lambert Simnel, was captured and set to work in the royal kitchens.
1487 (Summer)
Perkin Warbeck entered the service of Pero Vaz de Cunha.
1488 (during)
Perkin Warbeck began working with Breton merchant, Pregent Meno.
1491 (November)
Perkin Warbeck and Pregent Meno travelled to Cork in Ireland. The people of Cork had supported the House of York and suggested that Warbeck was the Earl of Warwick. However, Warbeck claimed to be Elizabeth of York’s brother Richard Duke of York.
Henry prevented English merchants from trading with Antwerp in retaliation for Margaret of Burgundy’s support of the pretender Perkin Warbeck.
1492 (during)
Warbeck was received by King Charles VIII of France in Paris. Many Yorkist supporters travelled to Paris to give Warbeck their support.
1492 (during)
Perkin Warbeck was received by Margaret of Burgundy, sister to King Edward IV, who claimed that Warbeck was her nephew, Richard, Duke of York.
1492 (3rd November)
Treaty of Etaples
This peace between England and France included a clause that Charles VIII would no longer give his support to Perkin Warbeck.
1493 (during)
Henry VII suspended trade with Flanders in retaliation for Margaret of Burgundy’s support for Perkin Warbeck.
1493 (during)
Maximillian, the Holy Roman Emperor gave his support to Warbeck and recognised him as King Richard IV.
1494 (May)
Henry imposed economic sanctions on Maximilian, Holy Roman Emperor, because he had declared his support for Perkin Warbeck.
1495 (January)
Henry had acts of attainder drawn up against Sir William Stanley and Sir Robert Clifford who were known to support Warbeck’s claim that he was Edward IV’s son.
1495 (3rd July)
Perkin Warbeck attempted an invasion of England by landing a small force at Deal in Kent. When those that landed were captured he sailed to Ireland.
1495 (August)
Warbeck attempted to take the Irish town of Waterford which supported Henry Tudor, but was unsuccessful.
1495 (27th November)
Having no success in Ireland Perkin Warbeck sailed to Scotland where he was given a state welcome by King James IV. The Scottish King agreed to back his claim and gave him a yearly pension of £1200.
1496 (during)
James IV of Scotland gave Warbeck the hand in marriage of Lady Catherine Gordon.
1496 (24th February)
Magnus Intercursus
This treaty between England and the Netherlands provided for a renewal of trade between the two countries. A clause was included that stated that neither country was to aid the other’s rebels. This clause was added to try to remove support for Warbeck’s claim.
1496 (21st September)
James IV and Perkin Warbeck crossed the border with a large army. James hoped the northern counties would rise against Henry but he found little support in England and returned to Scotland.
1496 (Autumn)
Henry wanted to avoid war with Scotland and so offered James IV the hand in marriage of his daughter, Margaret.
1497 (January)
Parliament approved a new tax to raise money to defend the border with Scotland against a further invasion in support of Perkin Warbeck.
1497 (late May)
The people of Cornwall rebelled against the tax for the defence of the Scottish border. They argued that they were to far away from Scotland for its defence to be their responsibility.
1497 (June)
A force of Cornishmen led by Michael Joseph and Thomas Flamank began a march to London. They were joined by James Touchet, Baron Audley who became their leader.
1497 (17th June)
The Cornish rebels reached Kent seeking support for their cause. However they were attacked by the Earl of Kent and the leaders captured at the Battle of Deptford Bridge.
1497 (27th June)
Thomas Flamank and Michael Joseph, leaders of the Cornish rebels were hanged at Tyburn.
1497 (28th June)
James Touchet, Baron Audley was beheaded at Blackfriars, London.
1497 (5th July)
Henry asked James IV of Scotland to surrender Perkin Warbeck to England and threatened him with war if he did not comply. Deciding that an alliance with England would be in Scotland’s best interests he gave Perkin Warbeck a boat and expelled him from Scotland.
1497 (16th July)
Perkin Warbeck landed in Cork, Ireland but found little support.
1497 (7th September)
Perkin Warbeck sailed from Ireland landed at Whitesand Bay in Cornwall. He hoped to capitalise on the unrest in Cornwall and find support for his claim to be the rightful King of England.
1497 (17th September)
Perkin Warbeck supported by a peasant force lay siege to Exeter but was beaten back.
1497 (21st September)
Realising he was not going to be able to mount a successful invasion, Perkin Warbeck left Cornwall for Southampton. He hoped to return to the continent. However, knowing that Henry’s army was pursuing him he sought sanctuary at Beaulieu Abbey.
1497 (5th October)
Perkin Warbeck was captured at Beaulieu Abbey. Henry allowed Warbeck to remain at court.
1499 (during)
Margaret of Burgundy sent an official apology to Henry VII for the support she had given Perkin Warbeck.
1499 (12th February)
A new pretender to the throne, Ralph Wulford, who claimed to be the imprisoned Earl of Warwick was captured and sentenced to death.
1499 (18th June)
Perkin Warbeck attempted to run away. He was caught and imprisoned in the Tower of London.
1499 (Summer)
Catherine of Aragon’s father, Ferdinand of Aragon, told Henry VII that he was concerned by the fact that claimants to the throne remained alive in England.
1499 (July)
A peace was agreed between England and Scotland to be sealed with the marriage of Princess Margaret to James IV of Scotland.
1499 (August)
Perkin Warbeck and the Earl of Warwick exchanged letters while in the Tower. They agreed to escape and overthrow Henry VII.
1499 (23rd November)
Perkin Warbeck, was hanged at Tyburn.


First published 2017; updated and republished Jun 28 2022 @ 11.29 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2022). Perkin Warbeck 1474 – 1499. Last accessed [date]


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